Please contact me on this page directly, for now I have no intention to add my private email address or to get a new email account related to this blog.
This is a private blog, all pictures if not stated otherwise are my property and cannot be used without my written permission.
All content in this blog is my personal opinion or the personal opinion of the author should that ever be someone else but me.
This blog is also not the space for hateful messages, racial slurs, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or any other kind of discriminatory speech and behaviour. Such behaviour will not be tolerated and I am a firm believer that Black Lives Matter, women’s rights are human rights and trans lives matter, science is beautiful and climate change is actually happening. Also vaccines don’t cause autism, that paper has long been disproved and retracted by the author! If any of that offends you, then please leave quietly and read someone else’s blog! If I forgot to name any related cause it’s probably only because I’m scatterbrained but you can always contact me and ask, as long as you stay polite 🙂